What should be remembered from the exchanges between the National Councillors and the Princely Government of Monaco

For the second evening devoted to the examination of the primitive budget this Friday evening, the national councillors exchanged with the Princely Government on several themes concerning the life of the country.

It was Marie-Noëlle Gibelli, who, in the course of a budget line concerning the Société des Bains de Mer, underlined that with 3,700 employees, the largest company in the country could give "as many career opportunities to our compatriots. The vast majority of Monegasques have careers in the Games. SBM should be proactive with the State services to be a company where our compatriots can make good careers. A roadmap should be deployed in this sense and not only for opportunities in the Games", said the elected representative, supported by the President, Brigitte Boccone-Pagès.

A point of view that was shared by the government's advisor for the Economy and Finance, Jean Castellini, "and I have no doubt that the new management of the SBM shares this view, as does the current management. The idea of a roadmap according to business lines can and must be retained. We will do it...




Tuesday, December 13, 2022