On Monday, HSH Prince Albert II inaugurated the new facilities of a confined and secure laboratory known as the "P3" laboratory at the Scientific Center of Monaco (CSM). Access to this type of laboratory is regulated, reserved for trained and authorized personnel. The Sovereign Prince, surrounded by Minister of State Pierre Dartout, Government Councilors, Didier Gamerdinger and Patrice Cellario, the Interministerial Delegate for Digital Transition, Frédéric Genta, as well as the President of the National Council, Stéphane Valéri, the Deputy Director General of Roche Diagnostics France, Carlos Justiniani, and of the President of the CSM, Prof. Patrick Rampal, discovered the use of a new high-throughput molecular biology analytical platform recently acquired by the Principality in the context of the health crisis, the Cobas 6800.
Commissioned by the Prince's Government last May at the request of HSH the Sovereign Prince, this device considerably increases the pace of PCR analysis, ensuring the Principality's autonomy in virus screening. Beyond the additional resources and the efficiency offered in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic, this acquisition will allow Monaco to project into the future because the objective would be to be able to use this modern tool in the fight against other potential health threats.