My father did everything he could to get me where I am today: Charles Leclerc's emotions after winning the Monaco Grand Prix

Monaco was waiting for him, and he has finally arrived: Monegasque Charles Leclerc broke the curse by winning ‘his’ home Formula 1 Grand Prix for the first time on Sunday.

Cheered on by banners reading ‘Daghe Charles!’ from the balconies overlooking the Monaco circuit throughout the weekend, home-grown Charles Leclerc was savouring this success on Sunday evening, which had been a long time coming since his elite debut in 2018.

As he celebrated this long-awaited victory, the Ferrari driver was keen to say ‘a big thank you, really’, first and foremost. ‘It's a moment I'll never forget. It's a victory like any other in terms of points, but emotionally speaking, it's a real added value. It's a very, very, very emotional moment.

‘I've been dreaming of this since I was a kid’.

On his arrival, he had a thought for his father. ‘He did everything to get me where I am today. He always gave everything. Unfortunately, he's no longer here to see what I've done, but I'm sure he can see it from up there. And then, of course, my thoughts go out to my whole family. My mum who is an exceptional mum, my brothers who have always supported me in everything I've done, my friends and my girlfriend and all the support I've had this weekend.’



Monday, May 27, 2024