...make their comeback in the Indian Ocean

Until 27 November, an ambitious scientific mission is bringing together 100 people in the Indian Ocean between the Seychelles, Mauritius and Reunion. Prince Albert II has been on site since Monday.

The Principality is resuming its major exploration missions. Four years after the "connected turtles" operation in Martinique and the operational retirement of the Yersin - a global pandemic has put the brakes on ambitions in the meantime - the Monaco Explorations teams are currently sailing the waters of the western Indian Ocean. Near Madagascar, in a paradisiacal zone encompassing the Seychelles, Reunion and Mauritius.

With the withdrawal of the flagship used during previous expeditions, it is now on board the South African boat Agulhas II that the scientists - but not only (see below) - have taken up residence for two months of navigation.

Since 3 October and the departure from the home port of Cape Town, the contingent on board has grown steadily and last week reached 124 people, including the crew. Since Monday, Prince Albert II has been in the area.



Wednesday, October 26, 2022